How time seems to evade me. It slips through my fingers like the tides receding. There. Visible. Elusive. Now it is nearly half way through the summer and I am finding myself sitting in nostalgia. I miss my sisters dearly. Their smiles at meetings, coffee dates, sunken garden picnics. Soon begins my internet purge, my off-the-grid detox. Being a freshman RA, panhell makes sure to avoid dirty rushing by making sure the little ones cannot associate me with any single greek organization. Being the first authority figure these kids will see, my likes and dislikes will influence them. I know my orientation aid seemed like the coolest, and I wanted nothing more than to join any club and do anything with her. That new feeling can be overwhelming and can seem like the right idea in the moment, but rushing isn't just about joining a greek organization. Its about finding your family. Its about finding sisters.
I yearn to be back on campus, and miss the familiar faces of my sisters on campus. But I am still faced with a double edged sword. I miss them and I am on limited contact. Meaning my Facebook and all links to my chapter have been hidden away from the upcoming class of 2016, and with that my photos, my links, and my life have been hidden away from the world.
Being a freshman RA is great because I get to be on campus all the sooner, yet I will not be able to associate with my sisterhood until bid day.It reminds me so much of where I was a year ago today. I remember rushing and my clue week and initiation. It brings so much joy to my heart knowing it will be in my grasp soon enough. But it seems so far off, until September when I can wear my letters and post pictures to my wall. But soon enough the little ones will start their freshman transition and learn who their roommates are going to be. It truly is exciting. Soon these potential new members will be pledging. It makes me miss being home so much more. I am already planning my future little's clue week, and see sisterhood wherever I look. I find myself blessed to be part of William and Mary greek life. I just want to be back on campus so badly. :)